Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Final Reflection on HeLa

   HeLa cells are very important for medical researchers today. They have been used in many medical advances, including helping researchers to to find the cure for Polio. I am aware that the United States still does not have a law to stop scientists,  from taking your blood and doing research on it. I believe that it is acceptable to draw blood from us and  subject it to research, if it is for a greater good. I willingly accept that my blood or any other tissues removed from my body be used to help terminally ill people. Is real important that we let researchers around the world do their job. Making laws that will interfere with medical research, will slowdown a lot of medical advances that will be helpful to us in the future. I firmly believe, that is more important to let researchers do their job than to protest about blood sample and cells drawn from your body. As the lacks family realize that their mother cells were important for medical advances and they are past their hate towards researchers.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

bp 8

What are three things you can change in your life or your habits to "go greener"?

1- wash laundry in cold water instead of hot.
2- Turn  off lights when you leave a room.
3- Switch one appliance to an energy efficient model.

  Do you think that people in your home country think about going green as much as Americans do?        No in my country is all about the money. Even gasoline we put in our vehicle is not so clean as the one here. Although our food is fresher than the one in the United States its get polluted by the methods of  bringing the food to our cities.

What is one thing that really surprised you about going green or something that you didn't realize was so bad for the environment?  I thought that the food we ate in our locals supermarkets were good and not making any damage to our environment. Now that I am aware of what is going on,  will try my very best to go green and help the environment.